Monday, January 7, 2013

Nxai Pan (2)

Nxai Pan National Park: foto
Questa foto di Nxai Pan National Park è offerta da TripAdvisor.

About 15 km to the east of the old entrance, inside the park, is a large, unnamed pan complex.
Kgama-Kgama Pan lies a further 9 km to the northeast.
The pans themselves are the only parts of the park to which there is ready access.
A road map is sometimes displayed at the entrance gate,

Nxai Pan National Park: foto
Questa foto di Nxai Pan National Park è offerta da TripAdvisor.

At certain times of the year - December to early April, if rains have fallen - game can be prolific and the viewing spectacular and most rewarding.
The area is a breeding ground for herds of gemsbok, zebra, wildebeest, springbok and eland, and is one of the few places in Botswana where impala and springbok occur together.

Foto di Nxai Pan Lodge, Nxai Pan National Park
Questa foto di Nxai Pan Lodge è offerta da TripAdvisor.

In the south of the National Park is another complex of pans, the largest of which is Kudiakam.
On a site overlooking this pan is a group of very large baobab trees, a picture of which was painted by the artist Thomas Baines in 1862.
Photographs taken in recent years show scarcely any discernible changes.

Foto di Nxai Pan National Park
Questa foto di Nxai Pan National Park è offerta da TripAdvisor.

These trees are known today as Baines' Baobabs (but are also referred to as the Seven Sisters and the Sleeping Sisters) and provide a very popular camping spot.
Here there are three informal, undeveloped campsites, each accomodating a maximum of 12 persons and three vehicles.
Bring your own water.
Game scouts do visit the trees at Baines' Baobabs and may ask you for your permit.

Foto di Nxai Pan National Park
Questa foto di Nxai Pan National Park è offerta da TripAdvisor.

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